Other Conditions

Discover cannabis's potential for various conditions with Releaf Cannabis Education. Explore its medical applications and gain valuable insights. Empower yourself today!

Ehsaan Ali


All of our educational content has been written or reviewed by our team of writers, doctors and cannabis experts.

Our clinical team is led by Dr Stephen D'Souza MB ChB, MRCP, FRCR, FRCP.

    A guide to medicinal cannabis for managing type 1 diabetes

    Type 1 diabetes is a disease that reduces, or even totally stops, the production of insulin. Insulin is a vital hormone that regulates blood glucose levels. Without insulin, blood sugar can’t enter cells and instead builds up in the bloodstream. A high level of blood sugar can cause a number of complications and is responsible for many of the symptoms of diabetes. People with type 1 diabetes need to closely monitor their blood sugar levels and inject insulin daily, and at set times.


    6 min read

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    The potential benefits of cannabis for sleep apnoea treatment

    It’s estimated that around one billion adults around the world suffer from sleep apnoea, which equates to around 1 in 7 of us, and yet the condition is seldom openly discussed. In fact, many people suffer from the condition without even knowing it, and this could be having an adverse effect on their health.

    Sleep Apnea

    6 min read

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    How CBD may help people with sleep apnea

    Although there are several common treatments for sleep apnoea, in recent years there has been a large amount of research into the potential benefits of CBD for sufferers. Some studies have shown that certain properties of CBD may potentially enhance sleep stability and reduce the symptoms of sleep apnoea by a considerable amount. 

    Sleep Apnea

    11 min read

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    The potential benefits of cannabis for sleep apnea

    Medicinal cannabis-related products, such as those containing CBD, may have benefits for chronic conditions that interrupt sleep. Some studies have shown that both CBD and THC variants, the active ingredient in cannabis, may have the potential to relieve the symptoms of OSA, improving sleep for chronic sufferers of the condition.

    Sleep Apnea

    5 min read

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    The science behind CBD for diabetic neuropathy

    Diabetic neuropathy is a condition that occurs when diabetes causes damage to the nervous system. The condition can affect a number of different nerves in the body, including in the feet, organs, and muscles. This damage can result in pain, tingling sensations, and numbness. Early medical research is showing that the interaction between CBD and the ECS can produce potentially powerful pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory results for people with diabetic neuropathy.


    6 min read

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    Finding the right CBD dosage for diabetes management

    People with diabetes need to regulate their blood glucose level, usually by injecting insulin at regular intervals. Staying fit, healthy, and within weight limits can also help to mitigate the worst effects of diabetes.


    6 min read

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    An administration guide on CBD oil for diabetes

    Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a chemical compound found in the cannabis sativa L. plant, more commonly known as cannabis or hemp. It is one of more than 110 chemicals known as phytocannabinoids found in this particular species of plant, and one of the most prevalent, along with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Recently, medical research studies and clinical trials have shown potential positives when administering medical cannabis, and specifically CBD, to treat or manage the symptoms of diabetes.


    6 min read

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    Can CBD potentially regulate blood glucose levels?

    Blood sugar, also known as blood glucose, is the amount of sugar in your blood at any one time. Blood sugar levels are regulated by insulin, but in people suffering from diabetes, this insulin function does not work correctly, causing blood sugar levels to remain high or drop dangerously low. While CBD is not a miracle drug that’s going to offer a cure, if administered in the right way, it may offer benefits, one of which being the potential to help regulate blood sugar levels.


    6 min read

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    The benefits CBD may offer to diabetes patients

    Cannabidiol, or CBD as it’s more commonly known, is a natural compound occurring in the Cannabis sativa plant. The plant contains two main cannabinoids: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Recent research has shown that CBD products (which can legally contain up to 0.2% THC when sold over the counter) can have a number of health benefits and medicinal uses, such as the treatment of chronic pain, reducing anxiety and depression, and helping with addiction.


    7 min read

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    How medical cannabis may ease the symptoms of diabetes type 2 

    Type 2 diabetes is the most commonly occurring form of the disease. Unlike type 1 diabetes, which results in sufferers being unable to produce insulin, type 2 diabetes causes the body to respond abnormally to insulin, ensuing in insulin resistance. People with type 2 diabetes will see the level of sugar (glucose) in their blood become too high, which, if left unmanaged, can result in serious, long-term health issues.


    8 min read

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    What you need to know about cannabis and diabetes type 1

    Type 1 diabetes is a disease that causes the pancreas to make little or no insulin. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood glucose levels. Without insulin, blood sugar can’t get into our cells and instead builds up in the bloodstream. Type 1 diabetes can be managed with a range of complementary treatments and therapies. Some recent studies have pointed to the potential of medical cannabis as an effective additional treatment capable of reducing the symptoms of the disease.


    7 min read

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    CBD dosage guide for inflammation

    Inflammation is part of the body’s normal reaction and defence against injury and infection, playing a crucial role in our overall health. But the beneficial effects are only short-term, and inflammation that occurs over extended periods can have severe health consequences, especially when it occurs in healthy tissue. In fact, inflammation is believed to be a contributing factor to almost half of all deaths worldwide each year.


    6 min read

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    A detailed guide on cannabinoids and inflammation

    Anecdotal evidence and early research suggest that cannabinoids may certainly help to ease chronic and acute inflammation around the body. However, more clinical studies are needed to fully understand the link between cannabinoids and inflammation before scientists can say for certain how these compounds impact our bodily responses.


    6 min read

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    Is CBD good for inflammation?

    Over the last few years, you may have heard CBD talked about a lot as a potential complementary medical cannabis treatment option. But you might not know exactly what CBD stands for, what it is and what it can be used for. The good news is, you’re not alone. There’s a great deal of confusion and misinformation out there about CBD, which might mean its potential benefits are not being accessed by those who most need them.


    11 min read

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    Can cannabis cream offer relief from psoriasis?

    Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that’s linked to the body’s immune system. It can emerge at any point in a person’s life but is most likely to develop between the ages of 15 and 25. People living with psoriasis experience increased skin cell production. This results in inflamed patches of skin appearing on the body. These patches are often covered with dry ‘scales’ and can cause irritation and pain to the sufferer.


    7 min read

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    Getting a medical cannabis card for multiple sclerosis

    MS is a degenerative, inflammation-based condition that attacks the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. In the simplest of terms, it disrupts the flow of information between the brain and the body and can lead to issues with movement, sensation, and cognition.

    Multiple Sclerosis

    7 min read

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    Does cannabis offer anti-inflammatory properties?

    Often cursed as the underlying issue for a range of health-related issues, inflammation is actually a vital bodily function. An essential piece of the puzzle that is the human immune system – in general terms, inflammation occurs when the body reacts to an assortment of stimuli, releasing biochemical signals that cause redness, swelling, heat, and pain – and in severe cases, it can even lead to a loss of function. Can medical cannabis help reduce inflammation? Let's find out...


    11 min read

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