Cancer-Related Pain

Discover the potential benefits of medical cannabis for cancer-related pain with Releaf Cannabis Education. Gain insights into its therapeutic possibilities for pain management.

Ehsaan Ali


All of our educational content has been written or reviewed by our team of writers, doctors and cannabis experts.

Our clinical team is led by Dr Stephen D'Souza MB ChB, MRCP, FRCR, FRCP.

    A guide to cannabinoids for cancer pain

    Cancer pain is a common symptom of cancer or cancer treatment and can manifest in a variety of ways. The level of pain ranges between mild, moderate and severe, and can be in the form of sharp stabbing pains, tingling or burning sensations, as well as a persistent aching in various parts of the body.

    Cancer-Related Pain

    7 min read

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    A detailed guide on THC for cancer pain

    According to Macmillan Cancer Support, there are 3 million people in the UK living with cancer, and this is expected to rise to 5.3 million by 2040. On average, someone is diagnosed with cancer every 90 seconds. While there have been huge advances in cancer treatment, it’s still a hugely prevalent and devastatingly destructive disease. Inevitably, patients have looked at ways of managing pain with complementary treatment options, including THC, which potentially has a role to play in long-term pain relief.

    Cancer-Related Pain

    8 min read

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    How to take medical cannabis for cancer pain

    Cancer pain is one symptom of cancer that can most negatively affect the quality of life of cancer patients, which is why there is so much research being conducted to find new, complementary treatments. An increasing amount of that research is focusing on the potential benefits of medical cannabis, and the results so far are certainly encouraging.

    Cancer-Related Pain

    9 min read

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    The full guide to CBD oil and immunotherapy

    Immunotherapy has emerged as a revolutionary approach to cancer treatment, harnessing the power of the immune system to target and eliminate cancer cells. As the field of immunotherapy continues to advance, researchers are exploring new strategies to enhance its effectiveness and improve patients' outcomes. One intriguing avenue being explored is the potential synergy between immunotherapy and medical cannabis. CBD (cannabidiol), a natural compound derived from the cannabis plant, is showing promise in this area.

    Cancer-Related Pain

    8 min read

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    A detailed guide on taking CBD with chemotherapy

    CBD is a medical cannabis cannabinoid that does not produce psychoactive effects. It has gained significant recognition for its potential health benefits, such as pain relief, anti-inflammatory properties, and the possible ability to help reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. As a result, there is a growing interest in using CBD alongside chemotherapy as a complementary approach to cancer treatment.

    Cancer-Related Pain

    8 min read

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